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  • hannahjudd3

Combating Urban Flooding: The Vital Role of Stormwater Infrastructure​

When heavy rain falls, the excess water that cannot be absorbed into the ground or evaporate becomes stormwater runoff. In urban areas with high concentrations of impervious surfaces, this stormwater overwhelms drainage systems, leading to widespread flooding. Effective stormwater infrastructure is crucial to mitigate these hazards and protect communities.


Understanding Stormwater Runoff

Rainfall that does not infiltrate the ground or evaporate becomes surface runoff, flowing into drainage systems, rivers and streams. This is exasperated by a rise in urbanization increasing impervious surfaces like roads and buildings, preventing water from infiltrating the soil and leading to more surface runoff. Excessive surface runoff can overwhelm drainage systems, leading to localized flooding and environmental impacts.

Innovative ways to manage stormwater runoff
  • Incorporating permeable surfaces allow water to infiltrate the ground can reduce runoff and recharge groundwater.

  • Including vegetated depressions known as bioretention systems capture and filter stormwater essentially mimicking a natural process.

  • Shallow, vegetated channels called bioswales can slow the flow of water and trap pollutants before they enter our waterways.

  • Temporary storage areas can be integrated which hold excess stormwater and release water slowly.

Our expert team can assist you with any stormwater management inquiries here

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