Project Coordination
When it comes to developing, it can be stressful and time consuming working with a wide variety of consultants, who all have their own fees, terms and conditions and timeframes.
JCE has established themselves as a one-stop-shop to allow for all of your development needs to be managed in-house. With a large contact list of consultants we work with regularly, you can now develop a property, while only dealing with one consultant. Our team will schedule and coordinate with all relevant parties, while ensuring the project stays on schedule.
However, the project coordination skills are not limited to ensuring budgets and timeframes are adhered to.
The JCE team is also highly experienced with providing services such as prelodgement meetings with council, negotiating infrastructure charges and negotiating decision notice conditions.
From the initial due diligence, through to a project being ‘shovel-ready’, our diverse team will be able to assist with whatever queries you may have.